Partonomy list P3F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress


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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Current level cerebellum Short
Subsidiary language with Latin
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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
67944 5686 tax
8266 tax
morphologia externa cerebelli
external morphology of cerebellum
76928 5691 tax
278629 5688 tax
folia cerebelli
folia of cerebellum
76925 5689 tax
hemispherium cerebelli (par)
cerebellar hemisphere (pair)
75267 5690 tax
vallecula cerebelli
vallecula of cerebellum
8267 tax
fissura cerebellomesencephalica
cerebellomesencephalic fissure
8269 tax
fissura cerebellopontina
cerebellopontine fissure
8270 tax
fissura cerebellomedullaris
cerebellomedullary fissure
5687 tax
fissurae interlobares cerebelli
interlobar fissures of cerebellum
83729 5716 tax
fissura prima; fissura preclivalis
primary fissure ; preclival fissure
83730 5739 tax
fissura posterolateralis
posterolateral fissure
76926 5698 tax
corpus cerebelli
body of cerebellum
72251 5699 tax
anterior lobe of cerebellum
72255 8272 tax
pars anterior vermis
anterior part of vermis of cerebellum
83884 5700 tax
lingula (par) ; lobulus I (par)
language (pair) ; lobule I (pair)
72519 5702 tax
lobulus centralis (par)
central lobule (pair)
278635 5703 tax
lobulus II (par)
lobule II (pair)
278639 5704 tax
lobulus III (par)
lobule III (pair)
83886 5709 tax
culmen (par)
culmen (pair)
76955 5710 tax
lobulus IV (par)
lobule IV (pair)
76954 5712 tax
lobulus V (par)
lobule V (pair)
8281 tax
fissurae lobi anterioris cerebelli (par)
fissures of anterior lobe of cerebellum (pair)
83731 5701 tax
fissura precentralis (par) ; fissura postlingualis (par)
precentral fissure (pair) ; postlingual fissure (pair)
83736 5708 tax
fissura postcentralis (par) ; fissura preculminalis (par)
postcentral fissure (pair) ; preculminate fissure (pair)
83737 5711 tax
fissura intraculminalis (par)
intraculminate fissure (pair)
72254 8339 tax
pars anterior hemispherii cerebelli (par)
anterior part of cerebellar hemisphere (pair)
8993 tax
vincingulum lingulae (par) ; lobulus HI (par)
vincingulum of language of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule HI (pair)
72517 5705 tax
ala lobuli centralis (par)
wing of central lobule of cerebellum (pair)
278665 5706 tax
lobulus HII (par)
lobule HII (pair)
278672 5707 tax
lobulus HIII (par)
lobule HIII (pair)
72516 5713 tax
lobulus quadrangularis anterior (par)
anterior quadrangular lobule (pair)
278683 5714 tax
lobulus HIV (par)
lobule HIV (pair)
278723 5715 tax
lobulus HV (par)
lobule HV (pair)
72252 5717 tax
posterior lobe of cerebellum
72259 9194 tax
pars posterior vermis
posterior part of vermis of cerebellum
83887 5719 tax
declive (par) ; lobulus VI (par)
declive (pair) ; lobule VI (pair)
83889 5722 tax
folium (par) ; lobulus VIIA (par)
folium (pair) ; lobule VIIA (pair)
83890 5728 tax
tuber (par) ; lobulus VIIB (par)
tuber (pair) ; lobule VIIB (pair)
83888 5731 tax
pyramis (par) ; lobulus VIII (par)
pyramis (pair) ; lobule VIII (pair)
8273 tax
lobulus HVIIIA (par)
lobule HVIIIA (pair)
8274 tax
lobulus HVIIIB (par)
lobule HVIIIB (pair)
83883 5737 tax
uvula (par) ; lobulus IX (par)
uvula (pair) ; lobule IX (pair)
9038 tax
fissurae lobi posterioris cerebelli (par)
fissures of posterior lobe of cerebellum (pair)
83733 5721 tax
fissura posterior superior (par) ; fissura postclivalis (par)
superior posterior fissure (pair) ; postclival fissure (pair)
75135 5725 tax
fissura horizontalis (par) ; fissura intercruralis (par)
horizontal fissure (pair) ; intercrural fissure (pair)
75137 5727 tax
fissura lunogracilis (par) ; fissura ansoparamediana (par)
lunogracile fissure (pair) ; ansoparamedian fissure (pair)
75138 5730 tax
fissura prebiventralis (par) ; fissura prepyramidalis (par)
prebiventral fissure (pair) ; prepyramidal fissure (pair)
75139 5734 tax
fissura intrabiventralis (par)
intrabiventral fissure (pair)
84043 5736 tax
fissura secundaria (par) ; fissura postpyramidalis (par)
secondary fissure (pair) ; postpyramidal fissure (pair)
72256 9195 tax
pars posterior hemispherii cerebelli (par)
posterior part of cerebellar hemisphere (pair)
256399 5720 tax
lobulus quadrangularis posterior (par) ; lobulus simplex (par) ; lobulus HVI (par)
posterior quadrangular lobule (pair) ; simple lobule (pair) ; lobule HVI (pair)
5723 tax
lobuli semilunares (par) ; lobuli ansiformes (par) ; lobuli HVIIA (par)
semilunar lobules (pair) ; ansiform lobules (pair) ; lobules HVIIA (pair)
72524 5724 tax
lobulus semilunaris superior (par) ; crus I (par) ; lobulus HVIIAa (par)
superior semilunar lobule (pair) ; crus I (pair); lobule HVIIAa (pair)
72525 5726 tax
lobulus semilunaris inferior (par) ; crus II (par) ; lobulus HVIIAb (par)
inferior semilunar lobule (pair) ; crus II (pair); lobule HVIIAb (pair)
72523 5729 tax
lobulus gracilis (par) ; lobulus HVIIB (par)
gracile lobule (pair) ; lobule HVIIB (pair)
72526 5732 tax
lobulus biventer (par) ; lobulus HVIII (par)
biventral lobule (pair) ; lobule HVIII (pair)
77202 5733 tax
pars lateralis lobuli biventris (par) ; lobulus HVIIIA (par)
lateral part of biventral lobule of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule HVIIIA (pair)
77203 5735 tax
pars medialis lobuli biventris (par) ; lobulus HVIIIB (par)
medial part of biventral lobule of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule HVIIIB (pair)
83464 5738 tax
tonsilla cerebelli (par) ; lobulus HIX (par)
tonsil of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule HIX (pair)
9202 tax
paraflocculus accessorius (par)
accessory paraflocculus (pair)
72253 5740 tax
flocculonodular lobe
83882 5741 tax
nodulus ; lobulus X
nodule ; lobule X
83881 5743 tax
flocculus (par) ; lobulus HX (par)
flocculus (pair) ; lobule HX (pair)
8227 tax
morphologia interna cerebelli
internal morphology of cerebellum
83924 9037 tax
grey substance of cerebellum ; grey matter of cerebellum ▲
72248 5745 tax
cortex cerebelli
cerebellar cortex
83141 9040 tax
strata corticis cerebelli
layers of cerebellar cortex
83140 5746 tax
stratum granulare
granular layer
8239 tax
glomerulus cerebelli
glomerulus of cerebellum
83896 5747 tax
stratum purkinjense
Purkinje cell layer
83897 5748 tax
stratum moleculare
molecular layer
8229 tax
neura corticis cerebelli
neurons of cerebellar cortex
8230 tax
neura projectionis corticis cerebelli
projection neurons of cerebellar cortex
8233 tax
neura purkinjensia
Purkinje neurons; Purkinje cells
8234 tax
interneura corticis cerebelli
cerebellar interneurons
8236 tax
interneura excitatoria corticis cerebelli
excitatory interneurons of cerebellar cortex
8237 tax
neura granularia
granule neurons; granule cells
# neuron granulare
# granule neuron; granule cell
8240 tax
dendrita neuri granularis corticis cerebelli
dendrites of granule neuron of cerebellar cortex
8239 tax
glomerulus cerebelli
glomerulus of cerebellum
neurofibrae parallelae
parallel fibres
8243 tax
neura penicillata
unipolar brush neurons; unipolar brush cells
8245 tax
interneura inhibitoria corticis cerebelli
inhibitory interneurons of cerebellar cortex
8246 tax
neura fusiformia horizontalia
horizontal fusiform neurons ; horizontal fusiform neurons
8248 tax
neura golgiensia magna
large Golgi neurons; large Golgi cells
# neuron golgiense magnum
# large Golgi neuron; large Golgi cell
axon neuri golgiensis magni
axon of large Golgi neuron
8249 tax
neura golgiensia parva
small Golgi neurons; small Golgi cells
84461 8252 tax
neura corbiformia
basket neurons; basket cells
8254 tax
neura stellata superficialia
superficial stellate neurons ; superficial stellate neurons
8255 tax
neura stellata profunda
deep stellate neurons ; deep stellate neurons
54559 9724 tax
astrocyti cerebelli
astrocerebellar cytes
54559 9735
astrocyti epitheliales cerebelli
epithelial astrocytes of cerebellum
# astrocytus epithelialis cerebelli
# epithelial astrocyte of cerebellum
processus radiales
radial processes
astrocyti pennati
feathered astrocytes
242392 8344 tax
divisiones cerebelli
subdivisions of cerebellum
72253 5692
72251 5693
72252 5694
9279 tax
zonae sagittales cerebelli (par)
sagittal zones of cerebellum (pair)
9281 tax
zonae sagittales mediales (par)
medial sagittal zones (pair)
9282 tax
zona A (par)
zone A (pair)
9283 tax
zona X (par)
zone X (pair)
9284 tax
zona B (par)
zone B (pair)
9343 tax
zonae sagittales intermediae (par)
intermediate sagittal zones (pair)
9286 tax
zona C1 (par)
zone C1 (pair)
9287 tax
zona C2 (par)
zone C2 (pair)
8340 tax
zona C3 (par)
zone C3 (pair)
9338 tax
zonae sagittales laterales (par)
lateral sagittal zones (pair)
9339 tax
zona Y (par)
zone Y (pair)
9340 tax
zona D1 (par)
zone D1 (pair)
9341 tax
zona D2 (par)
zone D2 (pair)
321695 5749 tax
nuclei cerebelli (par)
cerebellar nuclei (pair)
72260 5750 tax
nucleus dentatus (par) ; nucleus lateralis cerebelli (par)
dentate nucleus (pair) ; lateral cerebellar nucleus (pair)
72548 5751 tax
hilum nuclei dentati (par)
hilum of dentate nucleus of cerebellum (pair)
8258 tax
pars microgyria (par)
microgyric part (pair)
8260 tax
pars macrogyria (par)
macrogyric part (pair)
8261 tax
nuclei interpositi (par)
interposed nuclei (pair)
72538 5752 tax
nucleus emboliformis (par) ; nucleus interpositus anterior (par)
emboliform nucleus (pair) ; anterior interposed nucleus (pair)
72536 5753 tax
nucleus globosus (par) ; nucleus interpositus posterior (par)
globose nucleus (pair) ; posterior interposed nucleus (pair)
72537 5754 tax
nucleus fastigii (par)
fastigial nucleus (pair) ; medial cerebellar nucleus (pair)
8341 tax
neura nuclei cerebelli (par)
neurons of cerebellar nucleus (pair)
8343 tax
neura projectionis nuclei cerebelli (par)
projection neurons of cerebellar nucleus (pair)
8345 tax
neura projectionis magna (par)
large projection neurons (pair)
8349 tax
neura projectionis parva (par) ; neura nucleoolivaria (par)
small projection neurons (pair); nucleoolivary neurons (pair)
8351 tax
interneura inhibitoria nuclei cerebelli (par)
inhibitory interneurons of cerebellar nucleus (pair)
8263 tax
interneura inhibitoria glycinergica (par)
glycinergic inhibitory interneurons (pair)
8264 tax
interneura inhibitoria GABAergica (par)
GABAergic inhibitory interneurons (pair)
83943 9191 tax
white substance of cerebellum
72541 5744 tax
arbor vitae
arbor vitae
256377 5761 tax
corpus medullare cerebelli
medullary body of cerebellum
lamella medullaris cerebelli
medullary lamella of cerebellum
neurofibrae afferentes corticis cerebelli
cerebellar cortical afferent fibres ▲
neurofibrae muscosae
mossy fibres
# neurofibra muscosa
# mossy fibre
flosculi neurofibrae muscosae corticis cerebelli
rosettes of mossy fibre of cerebellar cortex
neurofibrae ascendentes
climbing fibres ▲
neurofibrae multistratificatae
multilayered fibres; monoaminergic fibres ▲
neurofibrae efferentes corticis cerebelli
cerebellar cortical efferent fibres ▲
# neurofibra efferens corticis cerebelli
# cerebellar cortical efferent fibre
axon neuri purkinjensis
axon of Purkinje cell
tractus commissurales originis cerebelli
commissural tracts of origin in cerebellum
77522 5762
commissura cerebelli
cerebellar commissure
tractus longi cerebelli (par)
long tracts of cerebellum (pair)
272298 5755 tax
pedunculi cerebellares (par)
cerebellar peduncles (pair)
72495 5760 tax
pedunculus cerebellaris superior (par)
superior cerebellar peduncle (pair)
brachium conjunctivum (par)
brachium conjunctivum (pair)
ramus ascendens brachii conjunctivi (par)
ascending branch of brachium conjunctivum (pair)
tractus cerebellorubralis
cerebellorubral tract
tractus cerebellothalamicus
cerebellothalamic tract
ramus descendens brachii conjunctivi (par)
descending branch of brachium conjunctivum (pair)
72490 5763
fasciculus uncinatus cerebelli
uncinate fasciculus of cerebellum
8468 tax
fibrae fastigiobulbares
fastigiobulbar fibres
75690 8469 tax
tractus fastigiospinalis
fastigiospinal tract
75691 5221 tax
tractus interpositospinalis
interpositospinal tract
72515 5759 tax
pedunculus cerebellaris medius (par)
middle cerebellar peduncle (pair)
fibrae pontocerebellares
pontocerebellar fibres
72615 5756 tax
pedunculus cerebellaris inferior (par)
inferior cerebellar peduncle (pair)
corpus restiforme (par)
restiform body (pair)
8467 tax
fibrae cerebelloolivares ; fibrae nucleoolivares
cerebelloolivary fibres ; nucleoolivary fibres
73950 5319 tax
tractus spinocerebellaris posterior ; tractus spinocerebellaris dorsalis
posterior spinocerebellar tract ; dorsal spinocerebellar tract
5320 tax
fibrae cuneocerebellares
cuneocerebellar fibres
8456 tax
fibrae trigeminocerebellares
trigeminocerebellar fibres
72638 5305 tax
tractus olivocerebellaris
olivocerebellar tract
8457 tax
fibrae nucleocerebellares
nucleocerebellar fibres
8458 tax
fibrae raphecerebellares
raphecerebellar fibres
72613 5758
corpus juxtarestiforme (par)
juxtarestiform body (pair)
8459 tax
fibrae vestibulocerebellares
vestibulocerebellar fibres
8466 tax
fibrae cerebellovestibulares
cerebellovestibular fibres
72543 5742
pedunculus flocculi (par)
peduncle of flocculus (pair)
172 lines
62.2 %
59.3 %
12 partial items
333 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Recent data suggest that the Tonsilla is comparable to the Dorsal paraflocculus, and the Paraflocculus accessorius to the Ventral paraflocculus (see Voogd and Ruigrok 2012). The Paraflocculus accessorius forms part of Lobule HIX.
The use of 'stellatum' for the Golgi cells is unfortunate, given the presence of other Stellate cells in the Molecular layer. As Latin term Neuron golgiense and as English term Golgi cell were accepted at the FIPAT Meeting in Istanbul, 2015.
See note # 8248
Not in TA, and added. Not distinguished by Larsell O, Jansen J (1972 The Comparative Anatomy and Histology of the Cerebellum. The human cerebellum, cerebellar connections, and cerebellar cortex. University of Minneapolis, MN) and Schmahmann et al. (1999 Neuroimage 10:233-260), but by Voogd J, Ruigrok TJH (2012 Cerebellum and precerebellar nuclei. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 471-545). First described as 'Zungenband' by Stilling (1864) and as Vinculum linguae by Henle (1879).
See note # 5738
Type of list P3F
List Unit Identifier 5686
Sublist 1 5699 lobus anterior cerebelli 58/21 on 18.4.2018
Sublist 2 5717 lobus posterior cerebelli 76/27 on 18.4.2018
Sublist 3 5740 lobus flocculonodularis 4/3 on 18.4.2018
Sublist 4 9037 substantia grisea cerebelli 112/55 on 18.4.2018
Invalid signature 21179 (stored value 19544)
Error in sublist Found children 114 Found units 57
Sublist 5 9191 substantia alba cerebelli 59/38 on 12.1.2019
Subtotals subchildren 309 subunits 144
Proper children 20
Invalid check Found children: 331
Proper units 14
Invalid check Found units: 160
Signature 6296 (validated since 15.4.2019)
Date: 15.03.2025